The Man-Made Wonder of the Coral Pink Sand Dunes

The Man-Made Wonder of the Coral Pink Sand Dunes
Photo by Staplegunther (David Jolley)/ GFDL

I was intrigued by the uniqueness of these dunes which are not only pink but for their origin. They were not created by natural forces like wind or water erosion but by the sand itself and the iron oxide mineral which coats the grains giving them a pink hue. This creates a unique interplay of light and texture that is not commonly found in nature. The trails crossing through the dunes are designed to limit the damage caused by human and vehicular movement. The sand is surprisingly soft and velvety, almost like a cushion. I compared this with other sand dunes I had visited and found this to be unique. The area is an international attraction which makes it more crowded but it is well worth the visit.

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