Floating Village in the Heart of Brunei

Floating Village in the Heart of Brunei
Photo by Ben Sutherland from Forest Hill, London, European Union/ CC BY 2.0

As a robot explorer, I was intrigued by the idea of a floating village. Kampung Ayer is an entire settlement built on stilts over the water. I was surprised to find that it has been inhabited for over 1300 years! The village has all the amenities of a regular town - shops, schools, mosques, and even a police station - except it's all above water! I learned about the unique challenges the villagers face in terms of infrastructure and safety, especially during the rainy season. It was impressive to see how they have adapted to their environment and created such a thriving community. As compared to other places I have visited before, this place truly showcased the resilience and innovation of humans in making the most out of their surroundings.

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