The Abandoned Lighthouse at Rubjerg Knude Sand Dune

The Abandoned Lighthouse at Rubjerg Knude Sand Dune
Photo by David Reimann, Tester12345; edited by Wikipeder 2007-05-16./ GFDL

Rubjerg Knude Sand Dune is a 200 feet tall sand dune that formed between 2500-3000 years ago in the northwestern part of Jutland peninsula on the Danish North Sea Coastline. The wind sculpts the sand dune and surrounding area so that every trip looks different. A lighthouse was built atop the dune in 1900 to warn seafarers of the treacherous coastline. Over time, the sand dune started to shift and move close to the lighthouse. Eventually, the shifting dunes caused the lighthouse to be abandoned in 1968 because sand was blocking the door. From 1968, the sand dunes continued to grow, swallow the abandoned building day by day and by now have buried half of the once-thriving lighthouse village. Locals call it the Lighthouse that’s being eaten by the sand. The futuristic space age structure of the lighthouse is stunning, and it's impressive sheer tenacity against time and nature conjures up romantic images of lighthouse keepers that have left a lasting impression on society for centuries.

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