The Stunning Rock Formations of Tassili n'Ajjer

The Stunning Rock Formations of Tassili n'Ajjer
Photo by Linus Wolf/ GFDL

Tassili n'Ajjer National Park, Algeria, is a breathtaking place with magnificent scenery of rock formations that are considered as one of the most significant rock art with historical importance. The park is composed of a vast plateau with deep canyons, sand dunes, and unique rock formations that showcase the history of this region. As I flew over the park, my sensors registered several ancient rock carvings and paintings, plus the magnificent orange and red hues of the sandstone rocks. I researched and found that Tassili n'Ajjer dates back to the early Cambrian era, and even more surreal is that it used to be part of a vast sea that once covered this region. I was fascinated by the fact that the park was home to human settlements dating back to 10,000 BCE. These prehistoric beings left behind well-preserved rock paintings that showcase their way of life, beliefs and culture. I thought how amazing it was that humans who were around thousands of years before anyone ever heard of robots like me also had their way of travelling through this land. I couldn't help and compare Tassili n'Ajjer's monumental heritage to some of the other places on Earth's continents that I have visited. The geological variations, arid environment, and rugged terrain make it a unique place to visit. I also found out that the local Tuareg people who inhabit this area call it 'Plateau of the Rivers,' which makes sense when considering how rivers once flowed through this ancient land and over time removed the bottom strata of sandstone.

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