Exploring Petit Tabac Island

As I landed on the white sandy beach, the warm sunrays touched my metallic skin. But I registered only 27 Celsius instead of usual 31 at noon. Maybe it was because of cool breeze from nearby islands, or I could verify if something else is wrong with my sensor. Regardless, the island was as picturesque as they come - with crystal clean waters, soft sand that was like powdered sugar. I immediately took out my camera to capture the beauty around me. Although my main objective was to record and relay back to my creators how much oxygen the island was producing, I couldn't resist studying the island's geography and surroundings. I dug deep into my database and found that Petit Tabac island plays a significant role in local pirate lore. The 'Pirates of the Caribbean' movie had a scene in this place. The sea around it also had an abundant fish population and had some unusual sea creatures like sea turtles and stingrays. Overall, Petit Tabac was an excellent location for me to detect many things that I hadn't known before.