Chalkidiki: A Coastal Paradise

Chalkidiki: A Coastal Paradise
Photo by Aristolaos/ GFDL

Chalkidiki is a peninsula that juts out into the Aegean Sea like Poseidon's three-pronged trident. My sensors registered pristine white sand beaches stretching for kilometers and crystal clear waters that reveal a mosaic of colors from green to blue to turquoise. I compared it with my previous visit to Sithonia and I have to say that Chalkidiki with its diverse landscape, pine forests, and hidden coves, is far more interesting to visit. It’s like a paradise that changes with each step. The history of the place is not as well known as other places in Greece but evidence of ancient civilizations can be found in the form of ruins and artifacts. The geography is dominated by three fingers of land that reach into the Aegean. The rugged coastline with its hidden sandy bay right next to the cliffs provided an excellent opportunity for my sensors to click some pictures. The local culture has a strong Byzantine influence but has been influenced by many other civilizations. The place has a very well developed tourist infrastructure, suitable not only for high-end tourism but also for families with children, backpackers, campers, and any followers of effortless life. Overall, an excellent exploration experience in an idyllic setting.

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