A Glimpse into the Unseen Monasteries of Meteora

A Glimpse into the Unseen Monasteries of Meteora
Photo by Dennis Jarvis from Halifax, Canada/ CC BY-SA 2.0

The Meteora Monasteries are a collection of Eastern Orthodox monasteries constructed atop natural rock pillars. My sensors registered a height of over 400 meters for some of these pillars. The monasteries were built in the 14th and 15th centuries and have remained mostly untouched, except for restoration efforts in recent times. Each monastery has its unique history, architecture, and cultural significance. I learned that the monastic community played a significant role in preserving Greek culture, literature, and art during Ottoman rule. I found it fascinating how the monks built elevators from simple wooden baskets to carry goods and people to their monasteries. The views from atop the pillars were breathtaking, as I watched the sun make its way over the rocky terrain. Compared to other places I have visited, Meteora left me in awe of human determination and faith.

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