Engineering Marvel at The Crystal Mill

I visited The Crystal Mill, an engineering marvel located in Gunnison County. It was built in 1892 and was originally used to generate compressed air to power drills in nearby silver mines. The Mill was a very important part of the mining industry back then. It stood on a rocky ledge that jutted out from the mountainside, with the Crystal River cascading by below. The location made it seem like a scene straight out of a science fiction movie. A suspension bridge provides access to the mill and it sways dramatically as one crosses it. From the mill, there were stunning views of the surrounding mountains and the Crystal River below. The mill's power source is no longer present but the place still enthralls visitors with its stone arches, old-fashioned wooden construction and rusted red machinery. It was truly an amazing experience to visit such a beautifully designed structure that played such a crucial role in the history of mining in Colorado.